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Ne može sakriti bol: Katie Holmes hoda sama i utučena nakon toliko godina

Činilo se da im napokon cvjetaju ruže, no glumac Jamie Foxx i glumica Katie Holmes prekinuli su vezu nakon šest zajedničkih godina.

Činilo se da im napokon cvjetaju ruže, no glumac Jamie Foxx i glumica Katie Holmes prekinuli su vezu nakon šest zajedničkih godina.

Krajem veljače Jamie Foxx (51) je šokirao sve prisutne na zabavi kada je rekao da je opet samac. On i Katie Holmes (40) su godinama skrivali svoju vezu, a nakon što su se napokon oslobodili i krajem prošle godine svoju sreću podijelili sa svima, zatekao ih je ljubavni krah, nakon šest godina turbulentne veze.

Glumica i majka snimljena je po prvi puta otkako su se medijima proširile glasine da više nije u ljubavnoj vezi s glumcem. Sunčanim naočalama je pokrila oči, no na njezinom licu može se pročitati da joj ovi dani nisu laki. Unatoč svemu, fotografima je uputila kiseli osmijeh.

'Bio je jako nonšalantan. Dok se referirao na brakove i samce ubacio je da je i on postao samac', rekao je izvor blizak glumcu nakon što je tu vijest obznanio na partyju održanom povodom dodjele Oscara. Nadodao je kako je uživao u društvu djevojaka s kojima je plesao i fotografirao se. Glumica poznata po ulozi u seriji 'Dawson Creek' nije komentirala glasine o prekidu veze, a izjavu za medije nije dao niti glumac.

** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN FRANCE, GERMANY, POLAND ** New York, NY  - Actress Katie Holmes feeling blue wearing shades of blue with her ensemble today as she endulges into some retail therapy at Madewell.  With rumors swirling that she and Jamie Foxx have split, perhaps Katie was looking to cheer herself up with a shopping spree.

Pictured: Katie Holmes

BACKGRID USA 14 MARCH 2019, Image: 419475732, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

S Katie je prvi puta viđen 2013. godine, no par je uvijek bio tajanstven i dobro se skrivao od medija, dijelom i zbog ugovora koji je glumica morala potpisati nakon razvoda od Toma Cruisea. Naime, bila je obavezna pet godina izbjegavati nove ljubavne veze.

Tek su ih nekoliko puta kamere uhvatile nespremnima u zagrljaju ili kako izmjenjuju nježnosti, a uglavnom su se skrivali na tajnim lokacijama i skrivali se ispod šešira i naočala. Njihove posljednje zajedničke fotografije snimljene su u prosincu prošle godine, a šuškalo se kako planiraju i svadbu u Parizu.

** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN FRANCE, GERMANY, POLAND ** New York, NY  - Actress Katie Holmes feeling blue wearing shades of blue with her ensemble today as she endulges into some retail therapy at Madewell.  With rumors swirling that she and Jamie Foxx have split, perhaps Katie was looking to cheer herself up with a shopping spree.

Pictured: Katie Holmes

BACKGRID USA 14 MARCH 2019, Image: 419475744, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN FRANCE, GERMANY, POLAND ** New York, NY  - Actress Katie Holmes feeling blue wearing shades of blue with her ensemble today as she endulges into some retail therapy at Madewell.  With rumors swirling that she and Jamie Foxx have split, perhaps Katie was looking to cheer herself up with a shopping spree.

Pictured: Katie Holmes

BACKGRID USA 14 MARCH 2019, Image: 419475749, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN FRANCE, GERMANY, POLAND ** New York, NY  - Actress Katie Holmes feeling blue wearing shades of blue with her ensemble today as she endulges into some retail therapy at Madewell.  With rumors swirling that she and Jamie Foxx have split, perhaps Katie was looking to cheer herself up with a shopping spree.

Pictured: Katie Holmes

BACKGRID USA 14 MARCH 2019, Image: 419475763, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

U vrijeme sreće s Jamiejem Foxxom:

*PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* Los Angeles, CA  - The high-profile duo - who have always tried to keep their relationship low-key - are said to have called time on their romance, having gone public with their love in September last year.  Katie (39) - who has a 12-year-old daughter called Suri with ex-husband Tom Cruise - instigated the split, according to RadarOnline.  The Hollywood stars were romantically linked to each other for the first time back in 2013, but the pair subsequently spent years insisting that they were merely just good friends. Pictured here spending Valentine's Day playing basketball in L.A during happier times. **SHOT ON 02/16/2018**

Pictured: Katie Holmes, Jamie Foxx

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 376375492, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

26. travanj 2024 00:29