MANEKENKA (64) OTKRILA TAJNU SVOJE MLADOSTI 'Da, istina je, ljudi često misle kako smo moja kćer i ja sestre, a upucavaju mi se puno mlađi muškarci'

 Profimedia, Media Drum World

Manekenka i stručnjakinja za ljubavne veze iz engleskog grada Bradforda Angela Paul (64) rekla je za Metro da je ljudi danas često mijenjaju za kćerkinu sestru te da su joj posebna dijeta i životni stil pomogli da nakon dijagnoze neugodne bolesti održi svoj mladolik izgled.

Paul je tijekom svojih dvadesetih prisilno promijenila svoj životni stil kada joj je dijagnosticirana sistemski lupus eritematodes (SLE), kronična multisistemska upalna bolest vjerojatno autoimune prirode čiji su simptomi zglobna bol (artralgija) i upala zglobova (artritis).

Umjesto da oboljenje liječi lijekovima, Paul je odlučila meditirati, vježbati i promijeniti dijetu. Engleskinja kaže da tajna njezinog mladolikog izgleda leži u apstiniranju od peradi i drugog mesa te meditiranju, koje prakticira već 38 godina.

Angela pictured in a purple bikini in the sea. MEET THE GLAMOROUS model in her SIXTIES who attributes her youthful look to practising MEDITATION and despite strangers constantly accusing her of having PLASTIC SURGERY, she insists that she has NEVER been under the knife – she even gets mistaken for her daughter’s SISTER who is HALF her age. Model and relationship coach, Angela Paul (64) from Bradford, UK, began her journey of self-care in her twenties when she was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), a long-term condition causing inflammation to the joints, skin and other organs. This became a wake-up call for her and she decided to take great care of her health. Her new lifestyle helped lift her symptoms without using medication through meditation, exercising, nutrition and creating a healthier mindset. When she was 30 years old, she gave birth to her daughter, Arielle (now 34), and fell in love with being a mother, dedicating most of her thirties to raising her daughter and travelling with her husband, Alan (69). Angela, who now lives in California, USA, worked as a full-time model since she was 16 years old but decided to quit when she became a mother. With her lucky genes and healthcare ritual, Angela has managed to age like a fine wine and the only product she uses to enhance her look is blonde hair dye. She says the not so secret to her ageless beauty is her journey practising meditation and staying away from meat or poultry, which she has been doing for 38 years. Her appearance has attracted a lot of positive attention from men half her age who approach her and some negative comments from people who accuse her of undergoing cosmetic surgery, which she strongly insists is untrue. / Angela Paul, Image: 459483590, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD23000969010000d43f0000294d0000ea5d0000e894000078d3000040e200003f530100837b010030920100, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World

"Kada je riječ o dostojanstvenom starenju, nema velike tajne. Genetika pomaže, ali životni stil najviše utječe na proces starenja", rekla je Paul za Metro. "U svojim ranim dvadesetima bila sam puna života, samopouzdana i energetična, međutim u kasnim su mi dvadesetima dijagnosticirali lupus. Na svu sreću, uspjela sam ga se riješiti bez lijekova, no to je bio alarm da moram usporiti. S 30 sam godina rodila svoju kćer, i to nakon 36-satnog poroda i hitnog carskog reza. Majčinstvo mi je donijelo veliku sreću i veći dio 30-ih sam provela odgajajući kćer te putujući s njom i mužem zbog njegovog posla."

Paul navodi da je nakon toga izgubila volju za manekenstvo kojim se bavila od 16. godine te da je htjela ponovno pronaći sebe.

Angela pictured in her twenties during a Miss Teen modelling shoot (2). MEET THE GLAMOROUS model in her SIXTIES who attributes her youthful look to practising MEDITATION and despite strangers constantly accusing her of having PLASTIC SURGERY, she insists that she has NEVER been under the knife – she even gets mistaken for her daughter’s SISTER who is HALF her age. Model and relationship coach, Angela Paul (64) from Bradford, UK, began her journey of self-care in her twenties when she was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), a long-term condition causing inflammation to the joints, skin and other organs. This became a wake-up call for her and she decided to take great care of her health. Her new lifestyle helped lift her symptoms without using medication through meditation, exercising, nutrition and creating a healthier mindset. When she was 30 years old, she gave birth to her daughter, Arielle (now 34), and fell in love with being a mother, dedicating most of her thirties to raising her daughter and travelling with her husband, Alan (69). Angela, who now lives in California, USA, worked as a full-time model since she was 16 years old but decided to quit when she became a mother. With her lucky genes and healthcare ritual, Angela has managed to age like a fine wine and the only product she uses to enhance her look is blonde hair dye. She says the not so secret to her ageless beauty is her journey practising meditation and staying away from meat or poultry, which she has been doing for 38 years. Her appearance has attracted a lot of positive attention from men half her age who approach her and some negative comments from people who accuse her of undergoing cosmetic surgery, which she strongly insists is untrue. / Angela Paul, Image: 459483568, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World

"Moja je majka imala prelijepu kožu i gustu kosu pa mi je to pomoglo. Odrastanje u Engleskoj gdje nije bilo previše sunca i gdje je često padala kiša svakako je pomoglo. Kao tinejdžerica i 20-godišnjakinja nisam niti pušila ni pila, a uvijek sam se potrudila dobro spavati. Što se mene tiče, san je moj najveći saveznik. Dakako, godine i godine manekenstva naučile su me kako se trebam brinuti za svoju kožu", pojasnila je Paul i dodala da ljudi često misle da je ona sestra svoje kćerke, a i da joj se nabacuju muškarci koji su puno mlađi od nje.

Angela pictured with her daughter Arielle. MEET THE GLAMOROUS model in her SIXTIES who attributes her youthful look to practising MEDITATION and despite strangers constantly accusing her of having PLASTIC SURGERY, she insists that she has NEVER been under the knife – she even gets mistaken for her daughter’s SISTER who is HALF her age. Model and relationship coach, Angela Paul (64) from Bradford, UK, began her journey of self-care in her twenties when she was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), a long-term condition causing inflammation to the joints, skin and other organs. This became a wake-up call for her and she decided to take great care of her health. Her new lifestyle helped lift her symptoms without using medication through meditation, exercising, nutrition and creating a healthier mindset. When she was 30 years old, she gave birth to her daughter, Arielle (now 34), and fell in love with being a mother, dedicating most of her thirties to raising her daughter and travelling with her husband, Alan (69). Angela, who now lives in California, USA, worked as a full-time model since she was 16 years old but decided to quit when she became a mother. With her lucky genes and healthcare ritual, Angela has managed to age like a fine wine and the only product she uses to enhance her look is blonde hair dye. She says the not so secret to her ageless beauty is her journey practising meditation and staying away from meat or poultry, which she has been doing for 38 years. Her appearance has attracted a lot of positive attention from men half her age who approach her and some negative comments from people who accuse her of undergoing cosmetic surgery, which she strongly insists is untrue. / Angela Paul, Image: 459483596, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD2300096a0100003c520000f36f00009a8e00007c170100276e0100179501000e030200b955020016870200, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World
Angela s kćerkom Arielle

"Trudim se jesti organski kada god mogu i radije jedem puno puta na dan, ali male obroke. Svaki dan pojedem avokado, pijem svježi đumbir s toplim limunom i pokušavam ne piti više od jedne šalice kave prije podneva. Ne pijem puno alkohola, ali kada pijem onda je to vodka, a ne vino jer je čišća i ima manje šećera", dodala je Paul te rekla da već pet godina četiri do pet puta tjedno pohađa satove zumbe te da se zbog njih osjeća živo, mladoliko i seksi.

Ima i skeptika koji sumnjaju u njezinu formulu za uspjeh.

"Neki koji čuju koliko imam godina pokušavaju suptilno natuknuti da sam sigurno išla pod nož ili da sam anoreksična. No, ako me pitaju, ja im rado kažem svoje tajne. Nažalost, mnogi bi htjeli rezultate bez napornog rada koji iza njih stoji i koji se često ne vidi", rekla je Paul koja je napisala i dvije knjige o dostojanstvenom starenju.

Angela says she is personally against plastic surgery and has never been under the knife, even though she is accused of having work done. MEET THE GLAMOROUS model in her SIXTIES who attributes her youthful look to practising MEDITATION and despite strangers constantly accusing her of having PLASTIC SURGERY, she insists that she has NEVER been under the knife – she even gets mistaken for her daughter’s SISTER who is HALF her age. Model and relationship coach, Angela Paul (64) from Bradford, UK, began her journey of self-care in her twenties when she was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), a long-term condition causing inflammation to the joints, skin and other organs. This became a wake-up call for her and she decided to take great care of her health. Her new lifestyle helped lift her symptoms without using medication through meditation, exercising, nutrition and creating a healthier mindset. When she was 30 years old, she gave birth to her daughter, Arielle (now 34), and fell in love with being a mother, dedicating most of her thirties to raising her daughter and travelling with her husband, Alan (69). Angela, who now lives in California, USA, worked as a full-time model since she was 16 years old but decided to quit when she became a mother. With her lucky genes and healthcare ritual, Angela has managed to age like a fine wine and the only product she uses to enhance her look is blonde hair dye. She says the not so secret to her ageless beauty is her journey practising meditation and staying away from meat or poultry, which she has been doing for 38 years. Her appearance has attracted a lot of positive attention from men half her age who approach her and some negative comments from people who accuse her of undergoing cosmetic surgery, which she strongly insists is untrue. / Angela Paul, Image: 459483573, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World

"Osobno sam protiv estetskih operacija, i to iz dva razloga. Kao prvo, želim izgledati što je prirodnije moguće. Drugo, sve vrste operacija nastojim izbjeći pod svaku cijenu. Treće, taština po meni ne uključuje brigu o tome misli li netko jesam li se operirala. Ako operacija ispadne loše, onda je očito da jesam. Četvrto, postoje prirodni tretmani koji pomažu pri starenju, kao što su joga za lice kojom jačam bradu i obraze. Peto, mislim da je važno mlade žene poticati na to da trebaju živjeti prirodno. Jedina kozmetička operacija kojoj sam se podvrgnula je ugrađivanje aparatića za zube kako bih ih ispravila, a to sam napravila u tridesetima."

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25. travanj 2024 12:14