INTERNET SLAVI 50. ROĐENDAN Povodom tog jubileja HRT je posegnuo u svoju arhivu i na društvenim mrežama objavio prilog o internetu iz 1995. godine!

Leonard Kleinrock na mjestu rođenja interneta u sobi 3420 u zgradi Boelter Sveučilišta UCLA
 Fred Prouser / REUTERS

Znanje, informacije i komunikacije zauvijek su promijenjene 29. listopada 1969. godine kada je rođena preteča današnjeg interneta - ARPANET, piše USA Today.

Mrežu ARPANET tada su činila međusobno povezana računala četiri američka sveučilišta koja su radila na razvoju novih vojnih tehnologija za Ministarstvo obrane Sjedinjenih Američkih Država.

Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at UCLA Leonard Kleinrock is seen in the birthplace of the Internet, at 3420 Boelter Hall in UCLA, July 27, 2011. Kleinrock developed the mathematical theory of packet networks, the technology underpinning the Internet which was used in the transmission of the first message, the letters LO, to Stanford Research Institute on October 29, 1969. The UCLA Department of Computer Science and Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science have collaborated in creating the Kleinrock Internet Heritage Site and Archive (KIHSA), with the center recreating the lab at its original site in 3420 Boelter Hall, from which that first message was sent. The ARAPANET evolved into the Internet that we use today. The recreated lab will open October 29 with a reunion of the computer scientists responsible for the first message.  Picture taken July 27, 2011.  REUTERS/Fred Prouser (UNITED STATES - Tags: SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS TELECOMS) - GM1E7AQ0KMG01
Fred Prouser / REUTERS
Leonard Kleinrock na mjestu rođenja interneta u sobi 3420 u zgradi Boelter Sveučilišta UCLA

Sveučilišta UCLA, Stanford i Utah te Sveučilište Kalifornije u Santa Barbari bile su jedine ustanove visokog obrazovanja koje su tada imala računala, uređaje koji su tada bili veliki kao sobe i koji su imali podno hlađenje.

A visitor compares modern-day 3420 Boelter Hall, the birthplace of the Internet, with an archival photograph during the grand opening of the Kleinrock Internet Heritage Site at UCLA in Los Angeles, California October 29, 2011. The first message to pass over the ARPANET was sent from 3420 Boelter Hall on October 29, 1969 led by UCLA professor Leonard Kleinrock and his team. The ARPANET evolved into the Internet we use today. REUTERS/Fred Prouser (UNITED STATES - Tags: BUSINESS TELECOMS SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY) - GM1E7AU137W01
Fred Prouser / REUTERS

ARPANET, a samim time i internet, 29. listopada slavi rođendan jer su toga dana profesor računalnih znanost na Sveučilištu UCLA Leonard Kleinrock i njegov student Charley Kline željeli sa svog računala poruku poslati Sveučilištu Stanford.

Poruka koju su poslali sastojala se od dva slova - "L" i "O".

A blackboard with the letters LOG and LO, is pictured in 3420 Boelter Hall at UCLA, May 3, 2011. UCLA professor Leonard Kleinrock and his team used the IMP, the packet-switching node used to interconnect participant networks to the ARPANET to send the first message, the letters LO to Standford Research Institute on October 29, 1969. The UCLA Department of Computer Science and Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science have collaborated in creating the Kleinrock Internet Heritage Site and Archive (KIHSA) with the center recreating the lab at its original site in 3420 Boelter Hall, moving the IMP back to the room from which that first message was sent.The recreated lab will open October 29 with a reunion of the computer scientists responsible for the first message. Picture taken May 3, 2011.  REUTERS/Fred Prouser (UNITED STATES - Tags: SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS TELECOMS) - GM1E7AQ0L8F01
Fred Prouser / REUTERS

Kleinrock je rekao da je htio poslati poruku "login", ali da se njihov sustav srušio odmah nakon unosa drugog slova. Cijelu su riječ poslali tek nakon sat vremena.

The original log book detailing UCLA professor Leonard Kleinrock and his team using the Interface Message Processor (IMP), is seen at 3420 Boelter Hall in UCLA, May 3, 2011. UCLA professor Leonard Kleinrock and his team used the Interface Message Processor, IMP, the packet-switching node used to interconnect participant networks to the ARPANET to send the first message, the letters LO to Standford Research Institute on October 29, 1969. The UCLA Department of Computer Science and Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science have collaborated in creating the Kleinrock Internet Heritage Site and Archive (KIHSA) with the center recreating the lab at its original site in 3420 Boelter Hall, moving the IMP back to the room from which that first message was sent.The recreated lab will open October 29 with a reunion of the computer scientists responsible for the first message. Picture taken May 3, 2011. REUTERS/Fred Prouser (UNITED STATES - Tags: SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS TELECOMS) - GM1E7AQ0MY101
Fred Prouser / REUTERS

Hrvatska radiotelevizija na svojoj je internetskoj stranici i društvenoj mreži Facebook objavila prilog o internetu koji je snimljen 1995. godine.

"Zavirili smo u arhivu HRT-a, točnije 1995. godinu, kada je već bilo teško zamisliti život bez kompjutera, ali internetu smo se još uvijek, može se slobodno reći, iščuđavali. U prilogu snimljenom za tada popularnu emisiju za mlade Briljanteen, doznajemo što je internet, što je potrebno da se na njega 'prikopčate', pravi hit bilo je doznati nešto o grupi Rolling Stones na njihovom "homepageu", doznati nešto o filmovima, kulturi i sportu...", napisali su iz HRT-a.

U prilogu su gledatelji mogli doznati i što je internet te godine nudio Hrvatskoj i s kakvim se problemima suočavao.

"Nudimo sve praktički, od mogućnosti povezivanja i rada s www-om, preko Netscapea, preko izrade svojih homepageova, svojih stranica, na kojima se čovjek može svijetu predstaviti - što zna, što može, što radi trenutno, pa do slanja pošte. A koji su problemi? Najveći problem je sporost veze prema inozemstvu s obzirom na to da je zapravo za vrlo velik broj korisnika", otkrio je u prilogu Nenad Mihajlović iz SRCE-a, zagrebačkog sveučilišnog računalnog centra.

U prilogu pogledajte koji su se pojmovi pretraživali te ne tako davne 1995.:

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20. travanj 2024 17:19