EKSTRAVAGANTNO ULJEPŠAVANJE PASA: BEZAZLENA ZABAVA ILI NEPROMIŠLJENI RIZIK? Stručnjaci upozoravaju: 'Šaljete krivu poruku, psi nisu modni dodaci'

Pudlica Daniele Forshaw
 Profimedia, TEMP Rex Features

Sve veća popularnost ekstravagantnih uljepšavanja pasa potaknula je brojna pitanja o zdravlju i dobrobiti životinja i dok organizacije za zaštitu životinja ističu da riskiraju zdravlje kućnih ljubimaca i šalju pogrešnu poruku, vlasnici salona ne vide problem dok god su životinje i vlasnici zadovoljni.

Zbog kozmetičkih tretmana kućni ljubimci često su u stresu i preplašeni, posebice kad su u pitanju nove usluge poput pedikure, tretmana lica i slično, upozorava RSPCA, najveća organizacija za zaštitu životinja u Britaniji, piše BBC.

Najviše zabrinjava činjenica da se radi o industriji koja se širi nevjerojatnom brzinom, a zakonski je posve neregulirana, ističu.

Vlasnica jednog takvog spa za kućne ljubimce u Essexu, Daniela Forshaw, rekla je da su tretmani koje nude bezopasna zabava dok god je ‘pas sretan i susretljiv’. Jedino je brine što u njezinom mjestu ne brinu dovoljno o psima u tom smislu što uzrokuje predugačke nokte, infekcije i ozbiljan problem s buhama.

Ruth Langsford
'This Morning' TV show, London, UK - 16 Aug 2017

Daniela Forshaw joins us in the studio with her dogs Venice and Malibu which she spends hundreds of pounds furjazzling! She says the dogs love their pink fur, ears, tails and pom poms. Extreme dog grooming is even bigger business in the states and we?ll meet Cat Opson and her crazy canine Coby! However dog sitter Nilufa Atik is disgusted by the whole thing and says it?s degrading and can even give dogs depression. But who's right?, Image: 345265505, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NO MERCHANDISING, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, TEMP Rex Features
Profimedia, TEMP Rex Features
Daniela Forshaw sa svojim psima Venice i Malibu

Većina se slaže da je razlog u porastu interesa ‘humanizacija’ kućnih ljubimaca. Kinološki savez ističe da ‘sve više ljudi doživljava ljubimce kao alternativu djeci i želi na njih potrošiti više novca i ugoditi im’.

Vicky Allender (34) ispričala je za BBC da je nije nimalo sram trošiti oko 500 funti (4200 kuna) mjesečno na spa tretmane za svoje dvije čivave, spašene iz stravičnih uvjeta. ‘Bojala sam ih u pastelne boje, svjetle, kričave, dobile su pernate ekstenzije, ukrasne kristale, ne vidim u čemu je problem’, kaže.

Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford
'This Morning' TV show, London, UK - 16 Aug 2017

Daniela Forshaw joins us in the studio with her dogs Venice and Malibu which she spends hundreds of pounds furjazzling! She says the dogs love their pink fur, ears, tails and pom poms. Extreme dog grooming is even bigger business in the states and we?ll meet Cat Opson and her crazy canine Coby! However dog sitter Nilufa Atik is disgusted by the whole thing and says it?s degrading and can even give dogs depression. But who's right?, Image: 345265569, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NO MERCHANDISING, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, TEMP Rex Features
Profimedia, TEMP Rex Features
Daniela Forshaw sa svojim psima Venice i Malibu

Venice and Malibu
'This Morning' TV show, London, UK - 16 Aug 2017
Have you ever 'furjazzled' your dog? Well this form of extreme grooming can involve dying them multiple colours, dressing them up and even painting their nails. The Kennel Club say it's degrading to dogs, but what do you think? Is it cute or cruel?, Image: 345257010, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NO MERCHANDISING, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, TEMP Rex Features
Profimedia, TEMP Rex Features
Daniela Forshaw sa svojim psima Venice i Malibu

Allender je uvjerena da njezini psi obožavaju kozmetičke tretmane, a posebno Fred: ‘Nakon što završimo s ekstravagantnim uljepšavanjem, ljudi ga više primjećuju. A on uzdigne rep i šepiri se dok hoda ulicom. Mislim da ima puno više samopouzdanja.’

Forshaw također na to gleda kao na bezazlenu zabavu i trend, no ističe da pseće krzno treba bojati samo kvalificirani, profesionalno obučeni kozmetičar, i to s proizvodima koji su dokazano sigurni za životinje.

No, Carol Shaw, također vlasnica salona za pse u Cornwallu, odbija bojati dlaku. ‘Mi smo fokusirani na dobrobit ljubimca. Nudimo neke alternativne tretmane, ali to uključuje pjenu za kupanje od avokada, masku za lice od krastavaca, pedikuru i masažu, jer smatramo da to sve koristi psima i oni stvarno uživaju.’


Daniela Forshaw's poodle
'This Morning' TV Programme, London, Britain. - 03 Oct 2014
She's barking mad about her dogs - the woman who spends GBP 20,000 a year transforming them in to Britain's most pampered pooches.We meet Daniela Forshaw., Image: 234959680, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: EDITORIAL USE ONLY / NO MERCHANDISING, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, TEMP Rex Features
Profimedia, TEMP Rex Features
Pudlica Daniele Forshaw

RSPCA upozorava da takvo pretjerivanje šalje zabrinjavajuću poruku da su psi modni dodatak, a ne inteligentna i osjećajna živa bića. ‘Čak i ako boja nije štetna, savjetovali bismo da to jednostavno ne radite’, poručili su.

Kinološki savez dijeli njihovo mišljenje: ‘Ako ekstremno uljepšavanje postane normalna stvar, onda postoji rizik da životinje doista postanu samo modni dodatak, a tad će njihova dobrobit sigurno biti ugrožena.’ Uređivanje psa mora biti podređeno njegovim potrebama, a ne vlasnikovim jer psi nisu modni dodatak, zaključuju.

Pet Quest, Wilmington, Ohio, USA (June 2017)2. FEAST your eyes on the most outlandish pooches you are ever likely to spot courtesy of America’s most extreme dog grooming competitions. From household names such as Finding Nemo and Wonder Woman to incredible robotic dogs and otherworldly aliens these incredible creatures could not look more different from their former canine-selves. Pet photographer, Ren Netherland (56), from Clearwater, Florida, US, devoted the past 20-years to documenting the extreme dog grooming phenomenon for prizes of over £4,200 that has swept America. Ren Netherland / Animal Photography /, Image: 344361955, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World

SuperZoo, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (Feb 2015). FEAST your eyes on the most outlandish pooches you are ever likely to spot courtesy of America’s most extreme dog grooming competitions. From household names such as Finding Nemo and Wonder Woman to incredible robotic dogs and otherworldly aliens these incredible creatures could not look more different from their former canine-selves. Pet photographer, Ren Netherland (56), from Clearwater, Florida, US, devoted the past 20-years to documenting the extreme dog grooming phenomenon for prizes of over £4,200 that has swept America. Ren Netherland / Animal Photography /, Image: 344361874, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World

Groom Expo, Hershey, PA, USA (Sept 2014). FEAST your eyes on the most outlandish pooches you are ever likely to spot courtesy of America’s most extreme dog grooming competitions. From household names such as Finding Nemo and Wonder Woman to incredible robotic dogs and otherworldly aliens these incredible creatures could not look more different from their former canine-selves. Pet photographer, Ren Netherland (56), from Clearwater, Florida, US, devoted the past 20-years to documenting the extreme dog grooming phenomenon for prizes of over £4,200 that has swept America. Ren Netherland / Animal Photography /, Image: 344361804, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World

Only for use in story about Paul Nathan's work. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission.

Franchesca, Standard Poodle
The Weird And Wonderful World Of Dog Grooming
A photographer has taken a hair-raising look at the jaw-dropping world of dog grooming.

Paul Nathan visited a variety of high-profile grooming events and documented his findings in new book 'Groomed', released this month.

One event the New Yorker attended was Intergroom in New Jersey, one of the largest cats and dogs grooming conferences in America, where he saw a variety of manicured and primped Poodles, Cocker Spaniels, Bichon Frise's, Bedlington Terriers and more.

There, he shot a range of dogs in the 'creative' category, where the dog's hair or fur is manipulated into shapes or scenes and dyed different colours. Some eye-catching examples include canines trimmed and fluffed to resemble leopards, Disney characters and even people.

Paul also captured other more straightforwardly-stylish dogs, including miniature poodles, Afghan hounds, cocker spaniels and even a yawning Bichon Frise.

He explains:
Profimedia, TEMP Rex Features

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19. travanj 2024 05:29