'DOISTA NISAM BILA SVJESNA DA JE TO KAZNENO DJELO' Učiteljica koja je sablaznila javnost prije 22 godina vezom s 12-godišnjakom otvorila dušu

 Profimedia, Zuma Press - News

Prije 22 godine američka učiteljica Mary Kay Letourneau punila je novinske stupce zanranjenom ljubavnom vezom s jednim učenikom (12). Njoj su tada bile 34 godine, a dan danas nije promijenila mišljenje o događanjima prije 20-tak godina. Inzistira da nije znala da je počinila kazneno djelo.

Letourneau je bila u to vrijeme bila u braku s prvim suprugom i majka četvero djece kada je osuđena za silovanje mladića po imenu Vilo Faulaau koji je u to vrijeme imao 12 godina, a bilo mu je samo 13 kada mu je Letourneau rodila prvo dijete.

Priznala je krivnju po dvije točke optužnice za silovanje drugog stupnja davne 1997. godina i uvjetno kažnjena je sa 7 godina zatvora.

Unatoč svemu, tvrdi kako tada nije bila svjesna da je čini kazneno djelo.

U intervjuu za Channel 7 u emisiji Nedjeljom navečer, bivša učiteljica osnovne škole u Seattleu, posegnula je za istom rečenicom koju je ponavljala prije 20-tak godina, obranom koju je isticala od početka afere.

- Reći ću ono što sam ponavljala cijelo vrijeme. Da sam znala da je to zločin, da sam imala ikakvu ideju da bi se moj čin smatrao kao zločin. Da mi je netko rekao, da mi je bilo tko rekao, tko me poznaje kakva sam, da postoji poseban zakon koji kaže da je to kazneno djelo...

Na upit novinara Matta Dorana vjeruje li da nije trebala ići u zatvor, odlučno je odgovorila: 'Apsolutno, vjerujem u to'.

BGUK_1249147 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA  - Mary Kay Letourneau breaks down in tears in new A&E documentary about her relationship with former student Vili Fualaau. The teacher sobbed several times during the two hour show in which she opened up about her romance that began with Vili when he was just 13 years-old. Vili was just a sixth-grade student when he began having an affair with Letourneau back in 1996, who was 34 and married with four children  She was his teacher at an elementary school in Burien, Washington, at the time. By the time he was 13 and she was awaiting trial for child rape, she was pregnant. She was sent to a detention centre for six months but after being released she broke her parole by having sexual relations again with Vili and getting pregnant again and this time was sent to prison for seven years. After she was released the couple tied the knot - and despite announcing they were separating in 2015, they are still married and still live together with their daughters Audrey and Georgia. Mary Kay weeped during the interview where she complains that 'everybody wants to criticize their relationship'.  She added:
Profimedia, Xposurephotos

BGUK_1249147 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA  - Mary Kay Letourneau breaks down in tears in new A&E documentary about her relationship with former student Vili Fualaau. The teacher sobbed several times during the two hour show in which she opened up about her romance that began with Vili when he was just 13 years-old. Vili was just a sixth-grade student when he began having an affair with Letourneau back in 1996, who was 34 and married with four children  She was his teacher at an elementary school in Burien, Washington, at the time. By the time he was 13 and she was awaiting trial for child rape, she was pregnant. She was sent to a detention centre for six months but after being released she broke her parole by having sexual relations again with Vili and getting pregnant again and this time was sent to prison for seven years. After she was released the couple tied the knot - and despite announcing they were separating in 2015, they are still married and still live together with their daughters Audrey and Georgia. Mary Kay weeped during the interview where she complains that 'everybody wants to criticize their relationship'.  She added:
Profimedia, Xposurephotos

Nakon šest mjeseci provedenih u zatvoru Letourneau je pomilovana uz objašnjenje da u to vrijeme nije viđala Fualaaua, koji je bio tek 1,5 godina stariji od njezina najstarijeg sina.

Manje od mjesec dana kasnije, policija ih je uhvatila u seksualnom zanosu u automobilu.

Vratili su je u zatvor jer je prekršila uvjetnu kaznu te je morala odlužiti kaznu do kraja. Tada je već bila trudna s drugim djetetom iz veze s maloljetnikom, a porodila se u zatvoru.

Audrey, danas 21-godišnjakinja, rodila se nakon prvog uhićenja, a Georgia (19) se rodila iza rešetaka. O curicama se brinula majka Fualaaua dok Letourneau nije puštena iz zatvora.

Letourneau i Fualaau vjenčali su se 2005. godine, a njihov brak potrajao je sve do prošle godine kada je on podnio zahtjev za rastavom, no kasnije ga je povukao. U razgovoru za emisiju Sunday Night rekao je da imaju problema u braku.

Priznao je da je razmišljao o tome da ostavi učiteljicu, ali Letourneau tvrdi da je još uvijek ludo zaljubljena u svog muža, kojemu je danas 35 godina.

Letourneau se našla pomalo uvrijeđenom i osjetila potrebu da se brani kada ju je voditelj Doran bocnuo da je mogla misliti da će do toga doći.

Bivša učiteljica se tijekom emisije okrenula svome mužu i opetovano ga pitala: 'Reci mi, tko je bio glavni, tko je bio glavni kada je sve počelo', istaknuvši da je on zaveo nju.

- Rekao mi je da je zaljubljen u mene.

BGUK_1249147 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA  - Mary Kay Letourneau breaks down in tears in new A&E documentary about her relationship with former student Vili Fualaau. The teacher sobbed several times during the two hour show in which she opened up about her romance that began with Vili when he was just 13 years-old. Vili was just a sixth-grade student when he began having an affair with Letourneau back in 1996, who was 34 and married with four children  She was his teacher at an elementary school in Burien, Washington, at the time. By the time he was 13 and she was awaiting trial for child rape, she was pregnant. She was sent to a detention centre for six months but after being released she broke her parole by having sexual relations again with Vili and getting pregnant again and this time was sent to prison for seven years. After she was released the couple tied the knot - and despite announcing they were separating in 2015, they are still married and still live together with their daughters Audrey and Georgia. Mary Kay weeped during the interview where she complains that 'everybody wants to criticize their relationship'.  She added:
Profimedia, Xposurephotos

May 30, 2017: File Photo: VILI FUALAAU filed for legal separation from his wife and former 6th grade teacher, MARY KAY FUALAAU, formerly Letourneau, a married 34-year-old teacher and mother of four in Seattle in 1996 when she began an affair with Fualaau, her 13-year-old student. The couple is 22 years apart in age. Mary Kay gave birth to her young lover's child before she went on to serve more than seven years in prison on charges related to their sexual relationship. Pictured:  February 6, 1998 - Kent, Washington, U.S. - MARY KAY LETOURNEAU, 36, is brought into a King County courtroom. Vili and her son are suing for  million, claiming neither the Des Moines police, nor the Highline School District staff did enough to prevent a sexual relationship between Vili Fualaau and his then sixth-grade teacher., Image: 238146838, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - News
Profimedia, Zuma Press - News

Još ranije je tvrdila kako je njezin suprug Vilo Fualaau bio glavni krivac za njihovu vezu svojim agresivnim zavođenjem od samog početka.

Po prvi puta je jedna njihova kćer izašla u javnosti i progovorila o odrastanju pod budnim okom znatiželjne javnosti.

Audrey je ustvrdila kako su ona i njezina sestra imale normalno djetinjstvo.

- Ljudi se iznenade kada to čuju, ali nama je to bilo normalno jer smo se navinule na to, rekla je ispričavši kako joj je otac bio prijatelj, obzirom da je samo 13 godina stariji od nje.

Nedavno su Audrey i Georgia iselile iz roditeljskog doma, a Letourneau i Fualaau još uvijek žive zajedno.

Letourneau je danas zaposlena kao pravni asistent na istom sudu na kojemu se njoj sudilo prije 21 godinu. Nada se da će svoje nove vještine upotrijebiti kako bi izbrisala svoje ime s liste seksualnih prijestupnika.

BGUK_1249147 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA  - Mary Kay Letourneau breaks down in tears in new A&E documentary about her relationship with former student Vili Fualaau. The teacher sobbed several times during the two hour show in which she opened up about her romance that began with Vili when he was just 13 years-old. Vili was just a sixth-grade student when he began having an affair with Letourneau back in 1996, who was 34 and married with four children  She was his teacher at an elementary school in Burien, Washington, at the time. By the time he was 13 and she was awaiting trial for child rape, she was pregnant. She was sent to a detention centre for six months but after being released she broke her parole by having sexual relations again with Vili and getting pregnant again and this time was sent to prison for seven years. After she was released the couple tied the knot - and despite announcing they were separating in 2015, they are still married and still live together with their daughters Audrey and Georgia. Mary Kay weeped during the interview where she complains that 'everybody wants to criticize their relationship'.  She added:
Profimedia, Xposurephotos

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19. travanj 2024 14:40