Elton John na vjenčanju princa Harryja i Meghan Markle
 Profimedia, Avalon Editorial

Britanski glazbenik Elton John objavom na Twitteru pokušao je braniti ponašanje vojvode i vojvotkinje od Sussexa, pojasnivši da je duboko uznemiren zbog "iskrivljenih i zlonamjernih" izvješća medija o nedavnom privatnom putovanju bračnog para sa sinom Archiejem tijekom kojega su boravili i u njegovu domu u Nici.

Elton John, dugogodišnji prijatelj pokojne princeze Diane, napisao je da, s obzirom na bliskost s Harryjevom majkom smatra dužnošću zaštititi mladu obitelj od medija koje okrivljuje za njezinu preranu smrt.

U objavljenom tvitu pjevač tvrdi da su on i njegov partner David paru platili putovanje privatnim zrakoplovom jer su željeli da "dobiju visoku razinu neophodno im potrebne sigurnosti".

"Nakon naporne godine i njihove posvećenosti dobrotvornom radu David i ja smo željeli da mlada obitelj ostvari odmor u privatnosti te u miru i sigurnosti našeg doma u Nici", napisao je John.

*PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE NO WEB UNTIL 2230 BST 18TH AUG* Meghan Markle cradles baby son Archie in both arms as she leaves the luxury private jet she and Prince Harry have come under fire for using while claiming to be eco warriors. The Duchess of Sussex, wearing a crisp white shirt and a stylish Panama hat, carefully clutched three-month-old Archie close to her chest as she exited the jet to join the Duke on the tarmac below. Amid tonight security, Harry, wearing a green polo shirt and blue cap, and Meghan climbed into a luxury limousine, with Archie Mountbatten-Windsor, to be whisked away from Nice Airport to continue their summer holidays. Harry, Meghan and Archie are believed to have stayed in a private villa, overlooking the Mediterranean, close to Saint-Jean-Cap- Ferrat, located at the heart of the French Riviera, between Nice and Monaco. It is the third time in three weeks the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have used a private jet. Harry, 34, arrived in the south of France after a week-long trip to the Spanish island of Ibiza, so American actress Meghan could celebrate her 38th birthday in style. They stayed for six nights in a luxurious private villa. They flew in on a Cessna 680 Citation Sovereign, bigger than the the nine-seater Cessna XL they took for their trip to the south of France, although both are believed to be operated by NetJets, a plane-sharing service for tycoons and the mega-rich. While it is not known who paid for the �20k round-trip to Ibiza, Harrys millionaire pal Nacho Figueras is known to be a big user of NetJets  dubbed the Uber for billionaires.  The Spanish holiday came just days after Prince Harry attended Camp Google in Sicily, where he gave a speech about climate change to a group of celebrities, believed to include Leonardo DiCaprio, Naomi Campbell, Stella McCartney and Harry Styles. There he gave an impassioned speech about the environment and humanitarianism to a group of celebrities, many of whom stayed on luxury yachts after reportedly jetting in on 114 private planes. The decision to use a private jet is likely to raise eyebrows as the journey would have emitted six times more carbon dioxide than a scheduled commercial flight to the Spanish island. By taking a private jet, the royal couple were able to fly in and out of Ibiza without being noticed. The cost of a private jet for such European jaunts is likely to have cost up to �40,000 return.
14 Aug 2019, Image: 465937818, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ONLY Australia, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

Mediji pomno prate nedavna putovanja vojvode i vojvotkinje od Sussexa, osobito prijevozna sredstva koja su pritom koristili.

Internetske stranice zadnjih dana prenose fotografije mlade obitelji na kojima se nejasno vidi kako izlaze iz privatnog zrakoplova, a mediji su pisali i da su u 11 dana četiri puta putovali privatnim zrakoplovom.

Privatnim letjelicama obično putuje manje putnika nego kada su posrijedi komercijalni letovi, što znači da troše puno više goriva po osobi na sat.

*PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE NO WEB UNTIL 2230 BST 18TH AUG* Meghan Markle cradles baby son Archie in both arms as she leaves the luxury private jet she and Prince Harry have come under fire for using while claiming to be eco warriors. The Duchess of Sussex, wearing a crisp white shirt and a stylish Panama hat, carefully clutched three-month-old Archie close to her chest as she exited the jet to join the Duke on the tarmac below. Amid tonight security, Harry, wearing a green polo shirt and blue cap, and Meghan climbed into a luxury limousine, with Archie Mountbatten-Windsor, to be whisked away from Nice Airport to continue their summer holidays. Harry, Meghan and Archie are believed to have stayed in a private villa, overlooking the Mediterranean, close to Saint-Jean-Cap- Ferrat, located at the heart of the French Riviera, between Nice and Monaco. It is the third time in three weeks the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have used a private jet. Harry, 34, arrived in the south of France after a week-long trip to the Spanish island of Ibiza, so American actress Meghan could celebrate her 38th birthday in style. They stayed for six nights in a luxurious private villa. They flew in on a Cessna 680 Citation Sovereign, bigger than the the nine-seater Cessna XL they took for their trip to the south of France, although both are believed to be operated by NetJets, a plane-sharing service for tycoons and the mega-rich. While it is not known who paid for the �20k round-trip to Ibiza, Harrys millionaire pal Nacho Figueras is known to be a big user of NetJets  dubbed the Uber for billionaires.  The Spanish holiday came just days after Prince Harry attended Camp Google in Sicily, where he gave a speech about climate change to a group of celebrities, believed to include Leonardo DiCaprio, Naomi Campbell, Stella McCartney and Harry Styles. There he gave an impassioned speech about the environment and humanitarianism to a group of celebrities, many of whom stayed on luxury yachts after reportedly jetting in on 114 private planes. The decision to use a private jet is likely to raise eyebrows as the journey would have emitted six times more carbon dioxide than a scheduled commercial flight to the Spanish island. By taking a private jet, the royal couple were able to fly in and out of Ibiza without being noticed. The cost of a private jet for such European jaunts is likely to have cost up to �40,000 return.
14 Aug 2019, Image: 465937736, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ONLY Australia, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

Princ Harry ranije je isticao važnost borbe protiv klimatskih promjena. U rujanskom izdanju Voguea, čija je gostujuća urednica bila njegova supruga Meghan, princ je pisao o problemu zaštite okoliša i ljubavi prema prirodi. "Čini se da smo mi jedina vrsta na ovom planetu koja misli da on pripada isključivo nama", napisao je tada.

Prošli je mjesec u objavi na Instagramu kraljevskog para @SussexRoyal napisao kako smatra da se "šteta koja se nanosi okolišu tretira kao nužan nusproizvod ekonomskog rasta."

Po pisanju tabloida The Sun par je ponovno razgnjevio britansku javnost jer su njihovi privatni letovi skupi, a sebe rado nazivaju "ekološkim ratnicima", osim kada su u pitanju glamurozni odmori.

*PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE NO WEB UNTIL 2230 BST 18TH AUG* Meghan Markle cradles baby son Archie in both arms as she leaves the luxury private jet she and Prince Harry have come under fire for using while claiming to be eco warriors. The Duchess of Sussex, wearing a crisp white shirt and a stylish Panama hat, carefully clutched three-month-old Archie close to her chest as she exited the jet to join the Duke on the tarmac below. Amid tonight security, Harry, wearing a green polo shirt and blue cap, and Meghan climbed into a luxury limousine, with Archie Mountbatten-Windsor, to be whisked away from Nice Airport to continue their summer holidays. Harry, Meghan and Archie are believed to have stayed in a private villa, overlooking the Mediterranean, close to Saint-Jean-Cap- Ferrat, located at the heart of the French Riviera, between Nice and Monaco. It is the third time in three weeks the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have used a private jet. Harry, 34, arrived in the south of France after a week-long trip to the Spanish island of Ibiza, so American actress Meghan could celebrate her 38th birthday in style. They stayed for six nights in a luxurious private villa. They flew in on a Cessna 680 Citation Sovereign, bigger than the the nine-seater Cessna XL they took for their trip to the south of France, although both are believed to be operated by NetJets, a plane-sharing service for tycoons and the mega-rich. While it is not known who paid for the �20k round-trip to Ibiza, Harrys millionaire pal Nacho Figueras is known to be a big user of NetJets  dubbed the Uber for billionaires.  The Spanish holiday came just days after Prince Harry attended Camp Google in Sicily, where he gave a speech about climate change to a group of celebrities, believed to include Leonardo DiCaprio, Naomi Campbell, Stella McCartney and Harry Styles. There he gave an impassioned speech about the environment and humanitarianism to a group of celebrities, many of whom stayed on luxury yachts after reportedly jetting in on 114 private planes. The decision to use a private jet is likely to raise eyebrows as the journey would have emitted six times more carbon dioxide than a scheduled commercial flight to the Spanish island. By taking a private jet, the royal couple were able to fly in and out of Ibiza without being noticed. The cost of a private jet for such European jaunts is likely to have cost up to �40,000 return.
14 Aug 2019, Image: 465937812, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ONLY Australia, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

"To je vrlo licemjerno. Princ ne može govoriti o katastrofalnim učincima klimatskih promjena dok po svijetu leti privatnim zrakoplovom", samo je jedan od komentara javnosti.

List citira i izjavu laburističke zastupnice Terese Pearce koja par poziva da vlastitim primjerom ukaže na potrebu očuvanja okoliša.

Buckinghamska palača nije se oglasila.

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18. travanj 2024 12:07