UZMI BOGATIMA I DAJ SIROMAŠNIMA! Restoran u kojem se preko dana skupljaju bogataši, a po noći je magnet za beskućnike

U centru Madrida otvoren je restoran pod imenom 'Robin Hood'. I kao što samo ime govori, princip restorana je kao u Sherwoodskoj šumi - uzmi bogatima, daj siromašnima! Ova briljantna ideja djelo je jednog svećenika koji se pobrinuo da gradski beskućnici imaju privilegiju jesti jela ponajboljih svjetskih kuhara, a da pritom ne plate ni eura. Princip rada restorana je poprilično jednostavan - doručak i ručak se plaća, i to ne baš malo, a večera je besplatna. Dakle, u Robin Hoodu se okuplja šarolika klijentela, tijekom dana tamo jedu imućniji ljudi, a kad padne noć restoran postane magnet za beskućnike.

Ova zanimljiva priča bila je i povod novinarima NPR-a da posjete Robina Hooda i da se sami uvjere kako sve to funkcionira. Na ulazu su sreli čovjeka koji je na sebi imao dva kaputa. Njegovo ime je Luis Gallardo. Beskućnik je, sve je izgubio kad je propala njegova tvrtka. Na ulazu ga konobari ljubazno pozdravljaju, provjere njegovu osobnu iskaznicu i odvedu ga do stola sa crvenim stolnjakom. Večeras je na meniju juha od gljiva, pečena puretina s krumpirima, puding od vanilije i jogurt. Gallardo je oduševljen.

MADRID, SPAIN - DECEMBER 05:  Homeless people congratulate a waiter as they leave after having a free dinner at Robin Hood restaurant on December 5, 2016 in Madrid, Spain. Association Messengers Of Peace 'Mensajeros De La Paz' opened Robin Hood restaurant last week to give free dinner to homeless people, by charging to paying clients at breakfast and lunch. With this initiative, founder and president of the association Father Angel Garcia Rodriguez 79, wants to give dignity to homeless people and an equal treatment to everyone.  (Photo by Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images)
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- Ovo me podsjeća na neka stara vremena, na Božić. Nekad sam imao knjigovodstvenu firmu koja je bankrotirala, morao sam podijeliti 60 otkaza - priča Gallardo novinaru NPR-a pokazujući mu fotografije iz prošlosti kako sjedi za stolom punom kolača i francuskih vina.

- To je bilo prije dvije godine. U međuvremenu me i supruga ostavila. Danas sam i bez doma, spavam u prostorijama gdje su bankomati...

MADRID, SPAIN - DECEMBER 05:  Father Angel (R) speaks to a colleague as a homeless woman pulls her trolley after having a free dinner at Robin Hood restaurant on December 5, 2016 in Madrid, Spain. Association Messengers Of Peace 'Mensajeros De La Paz' opened Robin Hood restaurant last week to give free dinner to homeless people, by charging to paying clients at breakfast and lunch. With this initiative, founder and president of the association Father Angel Garcia Rodriguez 79, wants to give dignity to homeless people and an equal treatment to everyone.  (Photo by Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images)
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O budućnosti ne želi pričati.

- Tko zna što mi se može dogoditi već sutra... Volio bih znati što mi nosi budućnost, ali stvarno ne znam.

Restoran je otvoren prije mjesec dana, a cijeli projekt vodi 80-godišnji svećenik Angel García Rodriguez. Vremešni dobrotvor se pobrinuo okupiti uglednu ekipu konobara i kuhara, kakvih se ne bi posramili ni hoteli od pet zvjezdica.

MADRID, SPAIN - DECEMBER 05:  A woman walks her dog past the Robin Hood restaurant while homeless people have a free dinner inside on December 5, 2016 in Madrid, Spain. Association Messengers Of Peace 'Mensajeros De La Paz' opened Robin Hood restaurant last week to give free dinner to homeless people, by charging to paying clients at breakfast and lunch. With this initiative, founder and president of the association Father Angel Garcia Rodriguez 79, wants to give dignity to homeless people and an equal treatment to everyone.  (Photo by Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images)
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- Želim da jedu s istim dostojanstvom kao i sve ostale mušterije. I ne samo to, želim da kvaliteta hrane bude ista, da piju iz kristalnih čaša, a ne plastičnih i da se stvori ugodna atmosfera u kojoj će ljudi normalno razgovarati - rekao je Padre Angel.

MADRID, SPAIN - DECEMBER 05:  A waiter takes orders for lunch from paying clients during the day at Robin Hood restaurant on December 5, 2016 in Madrid, Spain. Association Messengers Of Peace 'Mensajeros De La Paz' opened Robin Hood restaurant last week to give free dinner to homeless people, by charging to paying clients at breakfast and lunch. With this initiative, founder and president of the association Father Angel Garcia Rodriguez 79, wants to give dignity to homeless people and an equal treatment to everyone.  (Photo by Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images)
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U restoranu postoji i nekoliko pravila - pjevanje je dozvoljeno, ali samo ako ne smeta drugim gostima. Posjetitelji mogu koristiti besplatni internet, ali i mobitel ako im zatreba. Ljudi mogu nositi i vlastitu hranu, pa rezervirati kuhinju za pripremanje...

MADRID, SPAIN - DECEMBER 05:  Father Angel (L) sits on a table to share dinner with homeless people as he shows the place to the press at Robin Hood restaurant on December 5, 2016 in Madrid, Spain. Association Messengers Of Peace 'Mensajeros De La Paz' opened Robin Hood restaurant last week to give free dinner to homeless people, by charging to paying clients at breakfast and lunch. With this initiative, founder and president of the association Father Angel Garcia Rodriguez 79, wants to give dignity to homeless people and an equal treatment to everyone.  (Photo by Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images)
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Iako je Španjolska izašla iz recesije, stanje je daleko od idealnog. Nezaposlenost je još uvijek iznad 20 posto, a broj ljudi koji po noći svraćaju u Robin Hoodu povećava se iz dana u dan. Procjenjuje se da svake noći u raznim delicijama uživa preko 100 beskućnika.

MADRID, SPAIN - DECEMBER 05:  Volunteers prepare plates to serve a free dinner to homeless people at Robin Hood restaurant on December 5, 2016 in Madrid, Spain. Association Messengers Of Peace 'Mensajeros De La Paz' opened Robin Hood restaurant last week to give free dinner to homeless people, by charging to paying clients at breakfast and lunch. With this initiative, founder and president of the association Father Angel Garcia Rodriguez 79, wants to give dignity to homeless people and an equal treatment to everyone.  (Photo by Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images)
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- Pazite, neki ljudi koji dolaze su nekad bili bogati, neki su jako obrazovani. Nije ni čudo da se malo srame - priča Nieve Cuenca, umirovljenik koji jednom tjedno dolazi volontirati u kuhinju.

- Obožavam ovaj posao. Ovo je najbolje što sam radio u životu! - rekao je Cuenca dok su mu ruke duboku o sudoperu...

MADRID, SPAIN - DECEMBER 05:  A homeless man eats cream soup for dinner at Robin Hood restaurant on December 5, 2016 in Madrid, Spain. Association Messengers Of Peace 'Mensajeros De La Paz' opened Robin Hood restaurant last week to give free dinner to homeless people, by charging to paying clients at breakfast and lunch. With this initiative, founder and president of the association Father Angel Garcia Rodriguez 79, wants to give dignity to homeless people and an equal treatment to everyone.  (Photo by Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images)
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MADRID, SPAIN - DECEMBER 05:  Father Angel 79 poses for a portrait outside Robin Hood restaurant on December 5, 2016 in Madrid, Spain. Association Messengers Of Peace 'Mensajeros De La Paz' opened Robin Hood restaurant last week to give free dinner to homeless people, by charging to paying clients at breakfast and lunch. With this initiative, founder and president of the association Father Angel Garcia Rodriguez 79, wants to give dignity to homeless people and an equal treatment to everyone.  (Photo by Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images)
Getty Images

MADRID, SPAIN - DECEMBER 05:  A waiter prepares plates for the lunch of paying clients during the day at Robin Hood restaurant on December 5, 2016 in Madrid, Spain. Association Messengers Of Peace 'Mensajeros De La Paz' opened Robin Hood restaurant last week to give free dinner to homeless people, by charging to paying clients at breakfast and lunch. With this initiative, founder and president of the association Father Angel Garcia Rodriguez 79, wants to give dignity to homeless people and an equal treatment to everyone.  (Photo by Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images)
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