FOTO: JE LI OVO NAJBIZARNIJE IZDANJE POZNATOG HOLIVUDSKOG GLUMCA? Sjeo s psićem u restoran i hranio ga žličicom kao malu bebu

 Profimedia, StarMax

Paparazzi su na Beverly Hillsu ulovili poznatog glumca Mickeya Rourkea u prilično neobičnom izdanju.

Naime, poznati je glumac u društvu svojega psića ručao u jednom restoranu odjeven u trenirku koju je upotpunio Loius Vuitton torbicom.

Kako se može vidjeti na fotografijama, Mickey se prema prisu ponaša baš kao da mu je vlastito dijete pa je u restoranu čak zatražio da mu donesu visoku stolicu za djecu kako bi u nju mogao posjesti psića i hraniti ga žličicom baš kao da se radi o maloj bebi.

Nakon što se najeo, psić je počeo švrljati po terasi restorana i u jednom se trenutku popiškio.

Osim neobične odjevne kombinacije i društva, fotografima je za oko zapela i neobična Mickijeva frizura. Naime, čini se da se glumac podvrgnuo transplantaciji kose ili nosi periku ili tupe.

Beverly Hills, CA  - Actor, Mickey Rourke, is out in Beverly Hills accompanied by his adorable four-legged companion. Mickey and his puppy seem to have a one-of-a-kind connection as his puppy fends off photographers with puppy pee!

Pictured: Mickey Rourke 

BACKGRID USA 10 NOVEMBER 2018, Image: 395272370, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Beverly Hills, CA  - Actor, Mickey Rourke, is out in Beverly Hills accompanied by his adorable four-legged companion. Mickey and his puppy seem to have a one-of-a-kind connection as his puppy fends off photographers with puppy pee!

Pictured: Mickey Rourke 

BACKGRID USA 10 NOVEMBER 2018, Image: 395273253, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Mickey Rourke is seen in Los Angeles, CA., Image: 395290661, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, StarMax
Profimedia, StarMax

Beverly Hills, CA  - Mickey Rourke is out in Beverly Hills accompanied by his adorable four-legged companion. Mickey sweetly places his pup in a child seat while he enjoys his pizza at the restaurant.

Pictured: Mickey Rourke

BACKGRID USA 10 NOVEMBER 2018, Image: 395281323, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Beverly Hills, CA  - Mickey Rourke is out in Beverly Hills accompanied by his adorable four-legged companion. Mickey sweetly places his pup in a child seat while he enjoys his pizza at the restaurant.

Pictured: Mickey Rourke

BACKGRID USA 10 NOVEMBER 2018, Image: 395281602, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Los Angeles, CA  - Mickey Rourke let's his dog use the bathroom right outside of a pizza shop while he waits for pizza. Mickey doesn't seem to care as he stands over the dog while it used the bathroom.

Pictured: Mickey Rourke

BACKGRID USA 10 NOVEMBER 2018, Image: 395273288, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

BGUK_1401282 - Los Angeles, Cali  - Mickey Rourke is seen in Los Angeles, CA.

Pictured: Mickey Rourke

BACKGRID UK 10 NOVEMBER 2018, Image: 395297236, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Profimedia, Xposurephotos

Beverly Hills, CA  - Actor, Mickey Rourke, is out in Beverly Hills accompanied by his adorable four-legged companion.

Pictured: Mickey Rourke

BACKGRID USA 10 NOVEMBER 2018, Image: 395260072, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Beverly Hills, CA  - Actor, Mickey Rourke, is out in Beverly Hills accompanied by his adorable four-legged companion.

Pictured: Mickey Rourke

BACKGRID USA 10 NOVEMBER 2018, Image: 395258608, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

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26. travanj 2024 13:13