VIDEO, FOTO: DRAMA U PARIZU Policija likvidirala napadača koji je nožem napadao prolaznike: Ubio je jednu osobu, dvije ozlijedio


Francuska policija ubila je u petak blizu Pariza muškarca koji je u parku nožem izbo nekoliko osoba, pri čemu je jednu usmrtio, a dvije ozlijedio, izvijestio je ured državnog odvjetnika.

Napad se dogodio u pariškom predgrađu Villejuifu, smještenom oko 8 km južno od Pariza. Policija je opkolila predio oko parka.

Dvije ozlijeđene sobe prevezene su u najbližu bolnicu gdje im je ukazana pomoć te su ondje zadržane, rekla je novinarima Laure Beccuau, tužiteljica koja vodi slučaj.

Kazala je i da su saslušani svjedoci kako bi se utvrdilo što se točno dogodilo, no nije željela otkriti pojedinosti o napadaču.

U posljednje četiri godine francusku prijestolnicu potreslo je nekoliko napada koji su rezultirali brojnim ljudskim žrtvama.

Najsmrtonosniji je izveden u studenom 2015. kada je u koordiniranim bombaškim napadima i pucnjavi islamskih ekstremista u Bataclanu i na nekoliko drugih pariških lokacija smrtno stradalo 130 osoba.

Police and firefighters gather on January 3, 2020 in L'Hay-les-Roses where police shot dead a knife-wielding man who killed one person and injured at least two others in a nearby park of the south of Paris' suburban city of Villejuif. - The man had attacked
Police and firefighters gather in a park in the south of Paris' suburban city of Villejuif on January 3, 2020 where police shot dead a knife-wielding man who killed one person and injured at least two others. - The man had attacked
Police stand near a park in the south of Paris' suburban city of Villejuif on January 3, 2020 where police shot dead a knife-wielding man who killed one person and injured at least two others. - The man had attacked
A policeman walks by firefighters vehicles in a park in the south of Paris' suburban city of Villejuif on January 3, 2020 where a man was shot and killed by officers after stabbing passers-by. - The man had attacked
Police officers gather in a park in the south of Paris' suburban city of Villejuif on January 3, 2020 where a man was shot and killed by officers after stabbing passers-by. - The man had attacked
Police officers patrol in a park in the south of Paris' suburban city of Villejuif on January 3, 2020 where a man was shot and killed by officers after stabbing passers-by. - The man had attacked
Police and firefighters gather in a park in the south of Paris' suburban city of Villejuif on January 3, 2020 where a man was shot and killed by officers after stabbing passers-by. - The man had attacked

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27. travanj 2024 03:21