'DJECA MI SE RUGAJU, ODRASLI BULJE U MENE, A JA SAMO ŽELIM PRONAĆI MUŽA' Dirljiva ispovijed djevojke koja je dosad 500 puta lomila kosti u tijelu

 Profimedia, Media Drum World

Marie Holm Laursen (21) je djevojka koja boluje od rijetke bolesti krhkih kostiju, osteogenesis imperfecta. Dosad je 500 puta lomila kosti u tijelu i otkriva da je jednom prilikom slomila rebro samo zato što ju je uhvatila štucavica.

Dijagnozu su joj postavili kad je imala samo tjedan dana. Radi se o nasljednom poremećaju kolagena koji uzrokuje difuznu abnormalnu krhkost kostiju.

Marie iz Aarhusa u Danskoj za britanski je Metro opisala najgore iskustvo: ‘Najteže mi je bilo kad sam 2013. ispala iz invalidskih kolica. Slomila sam niz kostiju i imala sam krvarenje u mozgu. Liječnici nisu bili sigurni hoću li se izvući, stanje mi je bilo kritično.’

THIS BRITTLE bone disease sufferer who has broken an estimated five-hundred bones including some caused by HICCUPS is now battling to raise her profile as an inspirational public speaker. Marie Holm Laursen, 21, from Aarhus, Denmark was diagnosed with Osteogenesis Imperfecta when she was just one week old, a genetic condition which causes bone fractures from very minimal impact due to a lack of collagen. As a child, Marie would often receive cruel comments and stares from others but is now fighting back to raise awareness of the condition by telling her story in her role as a public speaker. Her most deadly moment came after she fell from her wheelchair and struck her head. This caused a bleed on her brain which nearly killed her. Images show Marie as a cute young child compared to the outgoing and confident woman she is today, refusing to let her condition stop her doing the things that all young people do. Marie Holm Laursen /, Image: 371173184, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD2300096b010000ac530000ce5f0000256d0000a34c0100c99a010052c60100b8f3010043ff010047020200, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World
Marie Holm Laursen kao mala

Kad je bila mala, djeca su joj se rugala, a odrasli su je promatrali kao čudo prirode. Sad se bori protiv predrasuda i javno progovara o svojoj bolesti kako bi podigla svijest o ovom teškom zdravstvenom stanju. Govoreći o trenutku kad su joj postavili dijagnozu, rekla je da su liječnici bili zbunjeni što čuju zvuk svaki put kad pomakne noge: ‘Nakon rendgena cijelog tijela otkrili su da je to zapravo bio zvuk lomljenja kostiju u cijelom tijelu. Tako su otkrili da imam ovu bolest.’

THIS BRITTLE bone disease sufferer who has broken an estimated five-hundred bones including some caused by HICCUPS is now battling to raise her profile as an inspirational public speaker. Marie Holm Laursen, 21, from Aarhus, Denmark was diagnosed with Osteogenesis Imperfecta when she was just one week old, a genetic condition which causes bone fractures from very minimal impact due to a lack of collagen. As a child, Marie would often receive cruel comments and stares from others but is now fighting back to raise awareness of the condition by telling her story in her role as a public speaker. Her most deadly moment came after she fell from her wheelchair and struck her head. This caused a bleed on her brain which nearly killed her. Images show Marie as a cute young child compared to the outgoing and confident woman she is today, refusing to let her condition stop her doing the things that all young people do. Marie Holm Laursen /, Image: 371173170, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD2300096c010000815300006c590000015f0000d8da01001c3a0200ceb90200d3ef0200f70503009e1b0300, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World

Kaže da joj odrastanje nije bilo nimalo lako: ‘Ljudi uglavnom bulje iz znatiželje koja proizlazi iz manjka znanja i informacija, a to je glavni razlog zašto sad javno govorim o tome. Stanje me pogađa svakodnevno jer su mi kosti iznimno krhke i ponekad mi je jako teško nešto što je drugim ljudima normalno. Ipak, ne želim se ograničavati iz straha da ću slomiti nešto, moram živjeti život punim plućima, a zbog toga ponekad moram i riskirati. To što predajem i govorim na konferencijama je jedan od mojih najvećih životnih uspjeha i jako sam sretna što mi je to posao.’

THIS BRITTLE bone disease sufferer who has broken an estimated five-hundred bones including some caused by HICCUPS is now battling to raise her profile as an inspirational public speaker. Marie Holm Laursen, 21, from Aarhus, Denmark was diagnosed with Osteogenesis Imperfecta when she was just one week old, a genetic condition which causes bone fractures from very minimal impact due to a lack of collagen. As a child, Marie would often receive cruel comments and stares from others but is now fighting back to raise awareness of the condition by telling her story in her role as a public speaker. Her most deadly moment came after she fell from her wheelchair and struck her head. This caused a bleed on her brain which nearly killed her. Images show Marie as a cute young child compared to the outgoing and confident woman she is today, refusing to let her condition stop her doing the things that all young people do. Marie Holm Laursen /, Image: 371173164, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD2300096801000055420000eb4c0000135900008f810000c6aa000018af0000fcf900001c070100f00c0100, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World

‘Život s bolesti krhkih kostiju mogu podnijeti zahvaljujući prijateljima i obitelji koji mi odvlače pažnju kad sam u bolovima zbog lomova i pomažu mi što god mi treba. Najveća želja mi osnovati obitelj, imati muža i djecu. Moram priznati da mi je zastrašujuće izgovoriti to naglas jer znam koliko je to teško s invaliditetom. Mislim da je jako važno imati snove i ne suzdržavati se zbog straha od poraza. Sami biramo svoj put, a na njemu se onda fokusiramo na pozivitno ili negativno. Trudim se uvijek birati pozitivno.’

THIS BRITTLE bone disease sufferer who has broken an estimated five-hundred bones including some caused by HICCUPS is now battling to raise her profile as an inspirational public speaker. Marie Holm Laursen, 21, from Aarhus, Denmark was diagnosed with Osteogenesis Imperfecta when she was just one week old, a genetic condition which causes bone fractures from very minimal impact due to a lack of collagen. As a child, Marie would often receive cruel comments and stares from others but is now fighting back to raise awareness of the condition by telling her story in her role as a public speaker. Her most deadly moment came after she fell from her wheelchair and struck her head. This caused a bleed on her brain which nearly killed her. Images show Marie as a cute young child compared to the outgoing and confident woman she is today, refusing to let her condition stop her doing the things that all young people do. Marie Holm Laursen /, Image: 371173172, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD2300096b010000264d000019590000a16600004bb100009bf200005f100100bd8e0100b2cb0100a1ff0100, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World
Profimedia, Media Drum World

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12. rujan 2024 22:07