FOTO: U AVIONU KOJI SE NAKON SLIJETANJA RASPAO NA TRI DIJELA POGINULE TRI OSOBE Gotovo 180 ljudi je ozlijeđeno, otkriven uzrok izlijetanja s piste


Turski putnički zrakoplov s više od 180 ljudi raspao se na tri dijela kada je u srijedu nakon slijetanja izletio s piste u Istanbulu, u nesvakidašnjoj nesreći u kojoj su tri osobe izgubile život, a gotovo 180 ih je ozlijeđeno.

Trup zrakoplova, Boeinga 737 privatne turske kompanije Pegasusa, raspao se na tri dijela i zapalio kada je izletio s piste u međunarodnoj zračnoj luci Sabiha Goekcen, na azijskoj strani Istanbula, pokazuju snimke mreže CNN-Turk.

Zrakoplov koji je letio iz Izmira, na zapadu Turske, doživio je nesreću zbog loših vremenskih uvjeta, rekao je guverner Istanbula Ali Yerlikaya.

Troje turskih državljana je poginulo, a 179 ljudi je ozlijeđeno, rekao je za medije ministar zdravstva Fahrettin Koca.

U zrakoplovu je bilo 177 putnika i šest članova posade, objavila je državna novinska agencija Anadolu, a ne ukupno 177 kako su nešto ranije izvijestile turske vlasti.

"Nesreća je mogla imati i teže posljedice", rekao je Yerlikaya.

Vatrogasci su ugasili požar koji je buknuo nakon nesreće, izvijestila je agencija Anadolu.

Turska glasila pišu da je u zrakoplovu bilo više stranih državljana, ali nisu imali informacije odakle dolaze.

Na upit francuske novinske agencije, ni kompanija Pegasus ni uprava zračne luke nisu bile dostupne.

Državni odvjetnik Istanbula vodi istragu o uzrocima nesreće, navodi Anadolu.

Zračna luka Sabiha Goekcen je zatvorena, a promet je preusmjeren na istanbulsku međunarodnu zračnu luku na europskoj strani turske gospodarske prijestolnice.

Početkom siječnja još je jedan zrakoplov iste kompanije izletio s piste u Trabzonu, na sjeveroistoku Turske, i zamalo završio u moru. U toj nesreći nitko nije stradao.

Rescuers work to extract passengers from the crash of a Pegasus Airlines Boeing 737 airplane, after it skidded off the runway upon landing at Sabiha Gokcen airport in Istanbul on February 5, 2020. - The plane carrying 171 passengers from the Aegean port city of Izmir split into three after landing in rough weather. Officials said no-one had lost their lives in the accident, but dozens of people were injured. (Photo by Yasin AKGUL / AFP)

A digital display shows cancelled flights at Sabiha Gokcen International airport after a Pegasus Airlines Boeing 737 airplane skidded off the runway upon landing at Sabiha Gokcen airport in Istanbul on February 5, 2020. - One person died and 157 were injured when a plane carrying 177 people skidded off the runway at an Istanbul airport, caught fire and split into three after landing in rough weather on February 5. (Photo by Ozan KOSE / AFP)

Rescuers work to extract passengers from the crash of a Pegasus Airlines Boeing 737 airplane, after it skidded off the runway upon landing at Sabiha Gokcen airport in Istanbul on February 5, 2020. - The plane carrying 171 passengers from the Aegean port city of Izmir split into three after landing in rough weather. Officials said no-one had lost their lives in the accident, but dozens of people were injured. (Photo by Yasin AKGUL / AFP)

Rescuers work to extract passengers from the crash of a Pegasus Airlines Boeing 737 airplane, after it skidded off the runway upon landing at Sabiha Gokcen airport in Istanbul on February 5, 2020. - The plane carrying 171 passengers from the Aegean port city of Izmir split into three after landing in rough weather. Officials said no-one had lost their lives in the accident, but dozens of people were injured. (Photo by Yasin AKGUL / AFP)

Rescuers work to extract passengers from the crash of a Pegasus Airlines Boeing 737 airplane, after it skidded off the runway upon landing at Sabiha Gokcen airport in Istanbul on February 5, 2020. - The plane carrying 171 passengers from the Aegean port city of Izmir split into three after landing in rough weather. Officials said no-one had lost their lives in the accident, but dozens of people were injured. (Photo by Yasin AKGUL / AFP)

Rescuers carry a person extracted from the crash of a Pegasus Airlines Boeing 737 airplane, after it skidded off the runway upon landing at Sabiha Gokcen airport in Istanbul on February 5, 2020. - The plane carrying 171 passengers from the Aegean port city of Izmir split into three after landing in rough weather. Officials said no-one had lost their lives in the accident, but dozens of people were injured. (Photo by Yasin AKGUL / AFP)

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19. travanj 2024 09:46