FOTO: ZASTRAŠUJUĆE STANJE LAGANOG PROPADANJA Tek rijetki su se vratili u razoreni grad duhova, a sad ih je Vlada zaskočila s kontroverznim planom

 Profimedia, Caters News

Ministarstvo okoliša Japana planira iskoristiti kontaminiranu zemlju kako bi izgradila ceste u prefekturi Fukushima koju je prije točno sedam godina pogodio strahotio razoran potres jačine 9 stupnjeva po Richteru.

Početni radovi kreću sljedećeg mjeseca, ali Ministarstvo ima ozbiljnih problema s planiranjem jer su suočeni sa žestkim prosvjedima mještana zabrinutih za sigurnost.

- Nemojte okolo raspačavati kontaminiranu zemlju, zaurlao je jedan mještanin tijekom briefinga u Ministarstvu okoliša u četvrtak.

Dužnosnici su ih pokušali umiriti pružanjem sigurnosnim jamstava, ali nije bilo koristi.

Bunsaku Takamiya (62), poljoprivrednik u blizini čije farme će biti izgrađena cesta zabrinut je za svoj obrt. Tvrdi da bi realizacijom projekta počele kružiti neutemljene glasine da proizvodi s njegove farme nisu sigurni za konzumaciju.

Sedam godina nakon potresa i nuklearne katastrofe u Fukushimi Takamiya je konačno počeo bez problema distribuirati svoje proizvode, sve dok se nije pojavio najnoviji projekt izgradnje ceste zagađenom zemljom.

Najnovije fotografije napuštene Fukushime svjedoče da je vrijeme u Fukushimi stalo

(PICTURED - An abandoned store) These haunting images show abandoned Fukushima seven years on from the nuclear disaster. After an earthquake, the ensuing tsunami led to three nuclear meltdowns in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear Power Plant. With the sudden evacuation of around 100,000 people, the region has been left in an eerie state of decay. These pictures were taken by James Galbraith, 25, when he visited the area. The London based entrepreneur said: The photos were taken in Fukushima, Japan, in the areas evacuated in 2011 due to radiation. I like exploring places where not many people can visit, places that are off limits, difficult to access, and largely forgotten about., Image: 369929289, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

(PICTURED - An abandoned restaurant) These haunting images show abandoned Fukushima seven years on from the nuclear disaster. After an earthquake, the ensuing tsunami led to three nuclear meltdowns in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear Power Plant. With the sudden evacuation of around 100,000 people, the region has been left in an eerie state of decay. These pictures were taken by James Galbraith, 25, when he visited the area. The London based entrepreneur said: The photos were taken in Fukushima, Japan, in the areas evacuated in 2011 due to radiation. I like exploring places where not many people can visit, places that are off limits, difficult to access, and largely forgotten about., Image: 369929276, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

(PICTURED - An abandoned store) These haunting images show abandoned Fukushima seven years on from the nuclear disaster. After an earthquake, the ensuing tsunami led to three nuclear meltdowns in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear Power Plant. With the sudden evacuation of around 100,000 people, the region has been left in an eerie state of decay. These pictures were taken by James Galbraith, 25, when he visited the area. The London based entrepreneur said: The photos were taken in Fukushima, Japan, in the areas evacuated in 2011 due to radiation. I like exploring places where not many people can visit, places that are off limits, difficult to access, and largely forgotten about., Image: 369929280, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

Zemlja skladištena u crnim plastičnim vrećama smještena je na privremenu lokaciju. Prema planu, zagađena zemlja bit će zakopana ispod 200-metarske dionice ceste koja prolazi gradom.

Plan je sljedeći: uzet će 500 kubičnih metara zemlje, zakopati ispod površine na dubini od 50 centimetara ili više, prekriti nezagađenom zemljom kako bi blokirali radijaciju i onda sve preliti asfaltom.

Mjerenja će početi u svibnju. Procjenjuje se da je prikupljeno oko 22 milijuna kubičnih metara kontminirane zemlje. Prema planu Ministarstva, na privremenoj lokaciji će biti prije nego što bude transportiran na konačno odredište izvan prefekture Fukushima.

Vlasti time žele smanjiti količinu kontaminirane zemlje. Ministarstvo planira iskoristiti zemlju koja emitira maksimum od 8000 bekerela cezija po kilogramu. Prosječna razina radijacije koja se koristi za cestovne radove se procjenjuje na 1000 bekerela po kilogramu.

Ministarstvo je već provelo eksperimentalne radove zaraženom zemljom kako bi podignuli razinu zemlje u Minamisomi i tvrde da sz zadovoljni postognutom 'određenom razinom' sigurnosti.

Jedan je dužnosnik iz Ministarstva izjavio kako će biti teško započeti s radovima zbog žestokog otpora mještana.

Japan u ožujku obilježio sedmu godišnjicu snažnog potresa i tsunamija na sjeveroistoku zemlje koji je izazvao najveću nuklearnu katastrofu nakon Černobilske iz 1986. godine.

U nuklearnoj elektrani Fukushima Daiichi potres i tsunami izazvali su topljenje jezgri reaktora i otpuštanje radijacije u okoliš.

Zbog te katastrofe tisuće stanovnika bile su prisiljene napustiti svoje domove.

(PICTURED - An abandoned car lot) These haunting images show abandoned Fukushima seven years on from the nuclear disaster. After an earthquake, the ensuing tsunami led to three nuclear meltdowns in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear Power Plant. With the sudden evacuation of around 100,000 people, the region has been left in an eerie state of decay. These pictures were taken by James Galbraith, 25, when he visited the area. The London based entrepreneur said: The photos were taken in Fukushima, Japan, in the areas evacuated in 2011 due to radiation. I like exploring places where not many people can visit, places that are off limits, difficult to access, and largely forgotten about., Image: 369929292, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

(PICTURED - An abandoned school) These haunting images show abandoned Fukushima seven years on from the nuclear disaster. After an earthquake, the ensuing tsunami led to three nuclear meltdowns in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear Power Plant. With the sudden evacuation of around 100,000 people, the region has been left in an eerie state of decay. These pictures were taken by James Galbraith, 25, when he visited the area. The London based entrepreneur said: The photos were taken in Fukushima, Japan, in the areas evacuated in 2011 due to radiation. I like exploring places where not many people can visit, places that are off limits, difficult to access, and largely forgotten about., Image: 369929300, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

(PICTURED - An abandoned road) These haunting images show abandoned Fukushima seven years on from the nuclear disaster. After an earthquake, the ensuing tsunami led to three nuclear meltdowns in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear Power Plant. With the sudden evacuation of around 100,000 people, the region has been left in an eerie state of decay. These pictures were taken by James Galbraith, 25, when he visited the area. The London based entrepreneur said: The photos were taken in Fukushima, Japan, in the areas evacuated in 2011 due to radiation. I like exploring places where not many people can visit, places that are off limits, difficult to access, and largely forgotten about., Image: 369929297, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

Njih oko 49.500 nije se moglo vratiti u područje blizu Fukushime, prema podacima prefekture te pokrajine, no aktivisti i stanovnici tvrde da je brojka daleko veća.

Lani je japanska vlada ukinula naredbu o evakuaciji za mnoga naseljena mjesta u regiji i objavila da je završena dekontaminacija. No većina stanovništva nije se vratila, a osobito ne majke s djecom, jer kritičari tvrde da operacije čišćenja nisu učinkovite.

Zbog havarije u Fukushimi japansko javno mnijenje protivi se nuklearnoj energiji. Međutim, vlada premijera Abea i dalje zagovara ponovno puštanje u rad ugašenih reaktora. Od ukupno 42 reaktora koji su operativni, samo su tri u funkciji.

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24. travanj 2024 20:36