ZAPOSLENICI U TOTALNOM ŠOKU KADA SU OTVORILI DUĆAN NAKON 2 MJESECA KARANTENE Prizor koji su zatekli ih je iznenadio, morali su bacati dizajnersku robu


Zbog epidemije koronavirusa cijela je Malezija u karanteni od 18. ožujka, a nedavno je produžena do čak 9. lipnja. Ipak, neke mjere se ublažavaju, pa se tako ovaj tjedan otvaraju dućani.

Dva mjeseca nakon uvođenja mjera restrikcija, među kojima i zatvaranje trgovačkih centara, stvari, međutim,stoje prilično loše.

Poslovanje je palo na nulu, dućani se oslanjaju isključivo na online prodaju, a artikli koji leže u dućanima i čekaju prve kupce izloženi su takvim uvjetima koji su doveli do uništavanja robe.

A shopping mall was having a deep clean today (May 12) after its leather goods were left covered in mould  during the coronavirus closure.

The Metrojaya centre in Sabah, Malaysia, closed on March 18 under restrictions to stop the spread of Covid-19.  However, the region's humid weather meant that without air-conditioning being turned on inside the mall and without shoppers, its leather ware was damaged.

As the shop prepares to re-open this week, staff returned to the building on Sunday (May 10) and were horrified by the state of the luxury items.

Pictures emerged showing shoes, handbags, belts and wallets that all had thick layers of grey and yellow fungus on them.

A spokesman for the shop said the damaged goods had been removed. Several cleaners in masks and hazmat suits were trawling the shelves giving the area a deep clean.

They were seen throwing the designer leather goods into black bin bags. Other members of staff were cleaning the air vents and hoovering the carpets.

The spokesman said: ''We take it very seriously in cleaning and disinfecting our stores to ensure a safe and healthy experience to our valued customers. Metrojaya Suria Sabah is now undergoing a thorough cleaning process by our dedicated staff and will be ready to welcome customers in a few more days.''

Malaysia has closed business and introduced a lockdown, or Movement Control Order (MCO), to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the country. The restrictions have been extended until June 9 but some businesses can re-open., Image: 518718928, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: ViralPress / Viral Press / Profimedia
ViralPress / Viral Press / Profimedia

A shopping mall was having a deep clean today (May 12) after its leather goods were left covered in mould  during the coronavirus closure.

The Metrojaya centre in Sabah, Malaysia, closed on March 18 under restrictions to stop the spread of Covid-19.  However, the region's humid weather meant that without air-conditioning being turned on inside the mall and without shoppers, its leather ware was damaged.

As the shop prepares to re-open this week, staff returned to the building on Sunday (May 10) and were horrified by the state of the luxury items.

Pictures emerged showing shoes, handbags, belts and wallets that all had thick layers of grey and yellow fungus on them.

A spokesman for the shop said the damaged goods had been removed. Several cleaners in masks and hazmat suits were trawling the shelves giving the area a deep clean.

They were seen throwing the designer leather goods into black bin bags. Other members of staff were cleaning the air vents and hoovering the carpets.

The spokesman said: ''We take it very seriously in cleaning and disinfecting our stores to ensure a safe and healthy experience to our valued customers. Metrojaya Suria Sabah is now undergoing a thorough cleaning process by our dedicated staff and will be ready to welcome customers in a few more days.''

Malaysia has closed business and introduced a lockdown, or Movement Control Order (MCO), to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the country. The restrictions have been extended until June 9 but some businesses can re-open., Image: 518718921, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: ViralPress / Viral Press / Profimedia
ViralPress / Viral Press / Profimedia

A shopping mall was having a deep clean today (May 12) after its leather goods were left covered in mould  during the coronavirus closure.

The Metrojaya centre in Sabah, Malaysia, closed on March 18 under restrictions to stop the spread of Covid-19.  However, the region's humid weather meant that without air-conditioning being turned on inside the mall and without shoppers, its leather ware was damaged.

As the shop prepares to re-open this week, staff returned to the building on Sunday (May 10) and were horrified by the state of the luxury items.

Pictures emerged showing shoes, handbags, belts and wallets that all had thick layers of grey and yellow fungus on them.

A spokesman for the shop said the damaged goods had been removed. Several cleaners in masks and hazmat suits were trawling the shelves giving the area a deep clean.

They were seen throwing the designer leather goods into black bin bags. Other members of staff were cleaning the air vents and hoovering the carpets.

The spokesman said: ''We take it very seriously in cleaning and disinfecting our stores to ensure a safe and healthy experience to our valued customers. Metrojaya Suria Sabah is now undergoing a thorough cleaning process by our dedicated staff and will be ready to welcome customers in a few more days.''

Malaysia has closed business and introduced a lockdown, or Movement Control Order (MCO), to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the country. The restrictions have been extended until June 9 but some businesses can re-open., Image: 518718916, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: ViralPress / Viral Press / Profimedia
ViralPress / Viral Press / Profimedia

Naima, nikada se vlasnici dućana nisu našli u ovakvoj situaciji, pa nakon što su zaposlenici 12. svibnja ušli u svoj dućan kožne galanterije ostali su zabezeknuti.

Naime, svi artikli od kože bili su prekriveni plijesni. Shopping centar Metrojaya u Sabahu također je zatvoren 18. ožujka, a ovakvom stanju robe kumovala je situacija u kojoj su isključeni klima uređaji u centrima što je u uvjetima vlažne klime dovelo do oštećivanja robe.

Dućan se priprema za otvaranje ovoga tjedna, pa su se zaposlenici vratili u nedjelju i šokirali se vidjevši kako to izgledaju luksuzna roba.

Cipele, torbe, remeni i novčanici bili su prekriveni tankim slojem sivih i žutih gljivica. Glasnogovornik dućana izjavio je da je oštećena roba uklonjena te da će dućan biti spreman za otvorenje.

Nekoliko ljudi s maskama i u hazmat odijelima čistili su police i dezinficirali svaki kutak trgovine. Oštećene artikle s dizajnerskim potpisom bacali su u crne vreće za smeće. Drugi zaposlenici čistili su ventilacijske otvore i usisavali tepihe.

A shopping mall was having a deep clean today (May 12) after its leather goods were left covered in mould  during the coronavirus closure.

The Metrojaya centre in Sabah, Malaysia, closed on March 18 under restrictions to stop the spread of Covid-19.  However, the region's humid weather meant that without air-conditioning being turned on inside the mall and without shoppers, its leather ware was damaged.

As the shop prepares to re-open this week, staff returned to the building on Sunday (May 10) and were horrified by the state of the luxury items.

Pictures emerged showing shoes, handbags, belts and wallets that all had thick layers of grey and yellow fungus on them.

A spokesman for the shop said the damaged goods had been removed. Several cleaners in masks and hazmat suits were trawling the shelves giving the area a deep clean.

They were seen throwing the designer leather goods into black bin bags. Other members of staff were cleaning the air vents and hoovering the carpets.

The spokesman said: ''We take it very seriously in cleaning and disinfecting our stores to ensure a safe and healthy experience to our valued customers. Metrojaya Suria Sabah is now undergoing a thorough cleaning process by our dedicated staff and will be ready to welcome customers in a few more days.''

Malaysia has closed business and introduced a lockdown, or Movement Control Order (MCO), to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the country. The restrictions have been extended until June 9 but some businesses can re-open., Image: 518718897, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: ViralPress / Viral Press / Profimedia
ViralPress / Viral Press / Profimedia

A shopping mall was having a deep clean today (May 12) after its leather goods were left covered in mould  during the coronavirus closure.

The Metrojaya centre in Sabah, Malaysia, closed on March 18 under restrictions to stop the spread of Covid-19.  However, the region's humid weather meant that without air-conditioning being turned on inside the mall and without shoppers, its leather ware was damaged.

As the shop prepares to re-open this week, staff returned to the building on Sunday (May 10) and were horrified by the state of the luxury items.

Pictures emerged showing shoes, handbags, belts and wallets that all had thick layers of grey and yellow fungus on them.

A spokesman for the shop said the damaged goods had been removed. Several cleaners in masks and hazmat suits were trawling the shelves giving the area a deep clean.

They were seen throwing the designer leather goods into black bin bags. Other members of staff were cleaning the air vents and hoovering the carpets.

The spokesman said: ''We take it very seriously in cleaning and disinfecting our stores to ensure a safe and healthy experience to our valued customers. Metrojaya Suria Sabah is now undergoing a thorough cleaning process by our dedicated staff and will be ready to welcome customers in a few more days.''

Malaysia has closed business and introduced a lockdown, or Movement Control Order (MCO), to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the country. The restrictions have been extended until June 9 but some businesses can re-open., Image: 518718895, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: ViralPress / Viral Press / Profimedia
ViralPress / Viral Press / Profimedia

A shopping mall was having a deep clean today (May 12) after its leather goods were left covered in mould  during the coronavirus closure.

The Metrojaya centre in Sabah, Malaysia, closed on March 18 under restrictions to stop the spread of Covid-19.  However, the region's humid weather meant that without air-conditioning being turned on inside the mall and without shoppers, its leather ware was damaged.

As the shop prepares to re-open this week, staff returned to the building on Sunday (May 10) and were horrified by the state of the luxury items.

Pictures emerged showing shoes, handbags, belts and wallets that all had thick layers of grey and yellow fungus on them.

A spokesman for the shop said the damaged goods had been removed. Several cleaners in masks and hazmat suits were trawling the shelves giving the area a deep clean.

They were seen throwing the designer leather goods into black bin bags. Other members of staff were cleaning the air vents and hoovering the carpets.

The spokesman said: ''We take it very seriously in cleaning and disinfecting our stores to ensure a safe and healthy experience to our valued customers. Metrojaya Suria Sabah is now undergoing a thorough cleaning process by our dedicated staff and will be ready to welcome customers in a few more days.''

Malaysia has closed business and introduced a lockdown, or Movement Control Order (MCO), to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the country. The restrictions have been extended until June 9 but some businesses can re-open., Image: 518718886, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: ViralPress / Viral Press / Profimedia
ViralPress / Viral Press / Profimedia

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25. travanj 2024 18:23