FOTO: 'OLUJA STOLJEĆA' POHARALA ISTOČNU ŠPANJOLSKU Poginulo najmanje osam ljudi, vjetar puhao 150 km/h, valovi su bili visoki preko 13 metara!


Najmanje osmero ljudi poginulo je u istočnoj Španjolskoj u oluji Gloriji koja je došla s vjetrovima koji su puhali do 144 km/h i donijela valove visine do 13.5 metara, rekli su dužnosnici u srijedu.

The flooded Tordera river is pictured in Malgrat de Mar near Girona on January 22, 2020, as storm Gloria batters Spanish eastern coast. - A winter storm which has killed three people lashed much of eastern Spain for a third day yesterday, cutting power, forcing the closure of schools and severing road and rail links. National weather agency Aemet placed most of northeastern Spain on alert because of the storm packing gusts of over 100 kilometres (60 miles) per hour, heavy snowfall, freezing rain and massive waves which smashed into seafront promenades, damaging shops and restaurants. (Photo by Josep LAGO / AFP)

Troje ljudi smatra se nestalima četiri dana nakon što je Gloria započela plaviti regiju obilnom kišom i jakim snijegom.

A man drains water on a flooded street in Malgrat de Mar, near Girona on January 22, 2020, as storm Gloria batters Spanish eastern coast. - A winter storm which has killed three people lashed much of eastern Spain for a third day yesterday, cutting power, forcing the closure of schools and severing road and rail links. National weather agency Aemet placed most of northeastern Spain on alert because of the storm packing gusts of over 100 kilometres (60 miles) per hour, heavy snowfall, freezing rain and massive waves which smashed into seafront promenades, damaging shops and restaurants. (Photo by Josep LAGO / AFP)

Oluja se počela povlačiti u srijedu nakon što je povremeno bez struje bilo više od 200.000 ljudi. Za sobom je ostavila uništena rižina polja u delti rijeke Ebro, a u tridesetak regija bile su oglašene uzbune zbog poplava.

A flooded field is pictured in Malgrat de Mar, near Girona on January 22, 2020, as storm Gloria batters Spanish eastern coast. - A winter storm which has killed three people lashed much of eastern Spain for a third day yesterday, cutting power, forcing the closure of schools and severing road and rail links. National weather agency Aemet placed most of northeastern Spain on alert because of the storm packing gusts of over 100 kilometres (60 miles) per hour, heavy snowfall, freezing rain and massive waves which smashed into seafront promenades, damaging shops and restaurants. (Photo by Josep LAGO / AFP)

Gloria se smatra najgorom morskom olujom nakon 2003. godine i vjerojatno najgorom u ovom stoljeću, prenosi lokalna televizija BETEVE.

Morska voda ulila se u deltu rijeke Ebro, jednu od najvažnijih španjolskih močvara, poplavivši tisuće hektara rižinih sadnica. “Ne možemo se sjetiti da se ikad dogodilo nešto slično”, rekao je lokalni gradonačelnik Lluis Soler.

Flooded train tracks are pictured in Malgrat de Mar, near Girona on January 22, 2020, as storm Gloria batters Spanish eastern coast. - A winter storm which has killed three people lashed much of eastern Spain for a third day yesterday, cutting power, forcing the closure of schools and severing road and rail links. National weather agency Aemet placed most of northeastern Spain on alert because of the storm packing gusts of over 100 kilometres (60 miles) per hour, heavy snowfall, freezing rain and massive waves which smashed into seafront promenades, damaging shops and restaurants. (Photo by Josep LAGO / AFP)

“Dramatično je vidjeti poplavljenu rijeku i to kako je more ušlo kilometrima u unutrašnjost.”

Premijer Pedro Sanchez tvitao je svoju “podršku i solidarnost obiteljima žrtvama Glorije i onima koji su se našli na udaru fatalnih posljedice oluje.”

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24. travanj 2024 12:52